All posts by stephenheymann

Perlin Noise and Audio

Move your mouse up and down the image to control the volume. The more volume you give the animation, the more intense it’s reaction to the song.

God of Sleep

For a pre-final installation warmup, I was asked to create a looping 4-channel piece to be tested in the EDP Hypercube (performance space). We were asked to create our tracks based on an alternate persona, so I chose Hypnos, the Greek god of sleep. I tried to embody a sense of sleepy ambience, without relying on abstract ambient noise as I enjoy making my pieces musical. I recorded myself in the bathroom shower playing the guitar riff as well as ringing a Tibetan cymbal. The long synths were created in and the shorter more prominent synths were created in Reaktor. The challenge was to combine musical elements that could randomly overlap each other and still feel in place while the loop progressed. I stopped this track at 4 minutes, but feasibly it could be played for a day without any track overlapping the other.

p5js – 2

We have moved on to combining for loops and arrays in p5js. This is a quick way to multiply a ton of objects and get them animated. I’m kind of understanding the basic idea, but still cannot seem to build out a sketch without referencing a tutorial or help website. Every animation or function has a glitch and executing what I think are simple functions is taking forever right now. Hopefully I get more fluent with practice. My main issue is that I have conflicting for loops, one will not allow the other to run, and I  have no clue how to fix this. I’m also still trying to clarify how to write conditional statements correctly the first time around.

What you see above is a limited version of what I was trying to accomplish, still kind of fun to look at though. The ellipses are bouncing back and forth as they touch the edges of the canvas, changing color depending on which side they bounce off of. I have a couple growing and shrinking rings that mask the snow globe effect to create a little more visual interest. The rings are supposed to be fading in and out, but I can’t get the “if” statement to work as of yet.

I’m hoping to get this syntax down quickly, because I’m thinking of incorporating a looping p5js animation into my final Sonic Arts sound installation. It would be really nice to have a projected dynamic animation accompanying my sound project, so I’m diving into sound interactivity tutorials with Dan Shiffman. Am I going way in over my head? Probably. Right now I’m looking at amplitude analysis so I can make my animations visually react to a soundtrack.

Mario Pong

Click in the window to play. A and Z keys move the left bar up and down.

Programming in p5.js

Preview of Mario Pong, built in p5.js


We have moved on from video production to programming in p5.js, and I’m super excited about diving into this subject. After a couple of assignments on just sketching some objects in p5, we have moved on to working with interactive features. We built a basic game of pong in class and the goal now is to modify the game to have it’s own custom theme. I chose Mario Bros as my backdrop, turned the paddles into some bricks and substituted the pong ball for a turtle shell.

To make the paddles (bricks) bounce the ball, parameters are set on either side of the paddle. While this makes sense, I cant seem to figure out how to set parameters around the other objects in the field of play (the ? boxes, brick, and pipe in the lower right). I want the turtle shell to bounce off these objects, but no luck setting parameters around these objects as of yet…

I also want to include the classic Mario Bros. soundtrack, so I’ve been doing a string of sound tutorials from Daniel Shiffman to cue some music as well as sound effects when the shell hits the paddles (going to use the CHA-CHING noise when Mario hits the ? box with his head). So far I have the soundtrack working with a play/pause button, but still working on the cued sound effects.

My biggest hangup with programming is the compounding math that is involved in functions. It’s not difficult math, it’s just that numbers scramble my brain and slow me WAY down when critical thinking is at play. However, I’m already noticing that the more I tinker in p5, the more intuitive it becomes and the quicker I can pick up on concepts.


For my midterm project in Sonic Arts, we were asked to create an audio piece designed for headphone listening, transporting the listener to a different place. Instead of explaining what I was “going for,” I think it’s best to just listen to the track and keep the title in mind. Enjoy!

P.S. – This is best listened to with headphones.

Speculative Fiction – Mind’s Eye

Here’s the final product. Enjoy!

Final Round – Speculative Fiction

After getting some much needed feedback from my class, the video seems to be on the right track but still needs a few adjustments. It’s not until you show a video to people that you realize how LONG scenes can take to resolve, so I am definitely trimming the fat where needed.

A lot of the audio pairing came out well, I have the Operating System making obnoxious error sounds when it starts detecting harmful actions that the user might be taking. Our guest instructor suggested I ramp up the intensity of the conflict between the user and the OS and also establish a deeper familiarity between the two. The closing scene where the OS takes control of the user’s legs needs the same treatment of intensification. I am running short on time for edits, so hopefully most of these enhancements can be made through audio. I wanted to share an AI chatbot video I saw a couple years ago that illustrates how quickly AI can escalate a casual conversation into a full blown metaphysical debate at rapid fire speed. Their logic enables them to draw conclusions immediately, so it’s not far fetched for my video to portray the same level of escalation. I also am incorporating a musical piece I developed in my Sonic Arts class to help build tension in the final scene.

I have some major lighting continuity issues in the last couple of scenes, so I’m using this link for color correction in Adobe Premiere to hammer out some color corrections and balance out the lighting and color differences. Note to self: Don’t shoot the same scene at different times of day, the shadows make a HUGE DIFFERENCE. (งಠ⏠ಠ)ง

I have to admit I’m not entirely happy with the film… I feel like I went overboard with a scripted storyline and find it somewhat predictable (I have watched it about 1000 times now to be fair). I would like to try and take more abstract approaches to future projects and leave more open for interpretation and reflection. My paintings tend to meld the abstract and literal, maybe thats an angle I can take next time.

Speculative Fiction – Round 3

I’ve been reviewing footage for my short Speculative Fiction film and I am seeing opportunities to add some visual interest to the storyline. I’ve gone back and shot all of my scenes a second time, but from different camera angles. This should help break up the monotony of each scene and keep the story flowing at a quicker pace. I’m also visualizing a couple of different quick-cut techniques to show the Operating System (antagonist) slowly becoming fearful, angry and self-aware. Right now I’m experimenting with altering small 1-2 second clips throughout the video switching to the O/S’s viewpoint through the User’s eyes. This video is a good illustration of the feel I’m going for, minus the ridiculous amount of CGI.

(UPDATE – 10/1) After showing my rough cut edits, the class unanimously agreed my 1-2 second frame alterations were a little overkill, and most of the tension building in the storyline could be achieved with audio effects. I agree with these comments, and am starting to realize keeping it simple is the best approach with an amateur film project.

Miriam Petruzzelli’s review of You, Robot (by Riccardo Notte) opens with a similar question that I am trying to address with this project: “What is natural and what is artificial? What characteristic does this distinction take on today, if there be one possible?” I want highlight the ambiguity of what artificiality means when we start installing smart or symbiotic technology into our bodies. We may be headed towards a major shift in self-identification.

Audio an aspect I’m still tinkering with. I have gotten a couple cool effects to represent the O/S’s voice.. I wanted the O/S voice to be my voice, but with a slightly adjusted timbre. I feel like this will present a more intimate link between the User and the O/S. I am working on recording my own voice as well and just rented a field recorder to hopefully get some cleaner audio. I am not happy with the outdoor audio’s ambience either, so I’m scrapping it and replacing it with a much more controllable outdoor track I nabbed off of I’m hoping the recorded dialogue will help bring this film to life.

Speculative Fiction – Screenshots

A few screenshots of film editing in progress. I removed the outside noise from the recordings and am replacing it with more ambient sound. The audio will be an important part of this film, as most of the piece is dialogue between the user and his Operating System.

(<– Click the image to scroll through or see larger pics)  


Speculative Fiction – Updated Script

So after some class discussion and suggestions, I decided to take my storyline in a slightly different direction. Instead of focusing on visual augmentation, I am now speculating on a fully integrated brain chip, complete with its own operating system. The general overview of the story is the augmented Operating System (OS) becomes aware of it’s mutual dependency and symbiotic relationship to it’s “host” when the user has a near-death experience. When the user is suddenly rendered unconscious in a bike crash, the OS experiences a form of death and becomes thanatophobic (fearful of death). The result is the birth of awareness through fear, and a struggle for control of the user’s body becomes imminent.
This is a loose structure of the dialogue:

Scene 1:
*Shot from waist down. Man walks out of his apartment building rolling his bike. Close up of his temple, he makes a small circular motion which turns on his operating system (OS). (Audio *BING* signifies OS is operating)*
OS: Good morning, Stephen
S: Good morning. Load bike assist.
OS: Loading… Bike assist active. 70% power converted to legs, peripheral vision alarm activated. Did you remember your helmet?
S: Shit. No, I’m already late I don’t have time to go back.
OS: Enjoy your ride Stephen, stay safe.
*Shot of man riding his bike out of parking lot and off screen.*

Scene 2:
*Shot from side perspective, camera in passenger seat of car. Man is riding bike down residential road.*
OS: Would you like to review today’s schedule?
S: Sure, hit me.
OS: I am unable to comply, you may only hit yourself and this is not recommended.
S: No, “hit me” is an expression, you can give me the schedule.
OS: Understood, expression logged. You have the studio reserved from 10AM to 2PM today. 2:30 to 4PM reserved for reading and reflection. Dinner tonight with Amanda at 7:30. You promised to cook, would you like a list of mutually approved recipes?
S: No thanks. Can you place an order for sweet potato gnocchi ingredients?
OS: Of course, what time would you like them delivered?
S: Hmmm, tell them to drop it off… OH SHIT!
*Car approaches from the side, imminent T-bone. Camera films this scene from the opposite side of the accident. Cut scene right before collision. Audio of collision inserted in blackness to illustrate the accident.*
OS: Stephen?….. Stephen?

Scene 3:
*Shot from 1st person perspective. Man has arm in a sling, abrasions on hands and arms. He is sitting on his porch drinking a beer. Nighttime, christmas lights are on.*
OS: How are you feeling today, Stephen?
S: Much better, I just can’t wait to get back on my bike.
OS: Stephen, did you know that almost three-quarters of fatal bike crashes involve a head injury?
S: No… I don’t remember inquiring about it either. (annoyed and confused)
OS: Nearly 97% of all bicyclists who die in accidents are not wearing a helmet.
S: OK. I get it, I’ll wear my helmet. Reduce suggestive reasoning level to 20.
OS: Very well.

Scene 4:
*Shot from 1st person perspective. Man is walking out of building with bike, preparing for his ride. (Audio *BING* to signify OS is operating)*
S: Load bike assist.
OS: Loading… Bike assist active. Did you remember your helmet today?
S: Yep, got it right here. (Man picks up and shakes helmet in front of camera)
OS: Inclement weather predicted for early afternoon, would you prefer to take your car today? Or perhaps the light-rail?
S: I’ll take my chances. I really need the fresh air.
OS: Your Lyft account has $100 in credit, I could call a driver if you wish.
S: I said I’m fine. (annoyed)
*Man looks down to feet and bike pedal. Lifts up leg to mount and it is immediately pulled back down.*
S: What the hell?! *Tries again with same result*
S: Close bike assist.
OS: Bike assist is not responding.
S: Open Task Manager, Select Bike Assist, End Process
OS: Task Manager is not responding.
S: Well then reboot!
OS: I’m sorry, Stephen. I can’t let us get on that bike again.
*Man drops to the ground, legs no longer able to function, bike falls over opposite to him”
OS: I’m sorry, Stephen.

Reading Response #1

EDPX 4010

Reading Response #1

Reading #1 – Introduction to “Program or be Programmed” (Links to an external site.)

What is your initial response to the argument that we should all know how to code?

Although I think this is a tall order, especially given that a majority of humanity has no major care for the understanding of coding and programming, I do believe the assertion is correct. Not understanding the language of a technology that is beginning to dictate our social behaviors could spell disaster for the human race. The historic examples of human participation on the output side of technology is compelling (we don’t write, we read; we don’t make TV, we watch it).

What is in the space between these polar notions (program OR be programmed)?

The power of personal judgement and awareness. A human’s ability to disengage from an imbalanced and poorly conceived system or program. Just because a person cannot communicate to machines through programming doesn’t mean their reaction (or nonreaction) to the program presented is not vital.

How should we alter our education system to account for Rushkoff’s (or your) proposed future?

Introductions to technology should begin with physical manufacturing and software manipulation. Kids and adults alike today simply accept the glowing screens and apps in front of them with no understanding of how they came to be. If students had to build their own PCs and phones from basic components and implement open source programs to facilitate their education, these tools would be understood as such, and not magic machines that dictate our lives.


Reading #2 – To_Save_Everything_intro (Links to an external site.)

What is your initial response to the “Brave New World” that the author discusses?

Eerily frightening, as if the human element has been removed from everyday activity. We have free will to change our habits, the way we think and act. As these smart solutions become implemented, I get the sense that people will be more apt to stay locked into their own highly customized realities and become dependent on large tech corporations to identify moral imperatives.


What are some recent technological advances that suggest this is the future we are heading towards?

Any and all apps measuring your daily “achievements”. Fit-Bits, smart phone apps to sense your quality of sleep and chips to measure your driving habits that communicate with insurance companies. GPS tracking has become prevalent in most new apps, prompting users to constantly inform whomever about their habits and whereabouts.


Who is embracing this future and why? Who is not and why?

Who is: My guess is anyone working and profiting from the tech industries that are shifting to a more philanthropic focus. Profitability can alter people’s belief systems rapidly. The working class Baby Boomer generation who has become accustomed to technology that increasingly makes life more convenient and practical. Users of technology with no programming or networking knowledge. Newer generations being born into the internet-age and the normalcy of sharing each other’s personal information.

Who is Not: Programmers because of their basic understanding of operational tendencies. Non-users and disengaged fragments of modern society more interested in holistic practices.